Problem when deleting image in Ck-Editor content using Safari

I am using ck-editor 4.6.2

for CMS.

I have a list of images in a panel (gray part of the image) and I want to drag and drop it into my ck-editor content (yellow part).

Drag the image from gray to yellow

This works fine on Chrome / Firefox, but not Safari. Safari crashes but no content is copied.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.inline-editable').attr('contenteditable', 'true');
    $('.inline-editable').each(function(index, elt) {
        var editorId = $(elt).attr('id');
        CKEDITOR.inline(editorId, {
            on: {
                drop: function (event) {

                    // I can see the alert, 
                    // so the drop occurs but it doesn't copy any content

                    // Without this : I only get the url as text in the editor
                    return false;


I don't understand why Safari doesn't "remove" the HTML of my image, like Chrome / Firefox.

Is there a bug somewhere or did I forget to include this option?

Any idea that can help fix this problem?


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