Why can't I defer addClass and removeClass with jquery?

This is my code:



The class never gets applied if I have a second line uncommented . If I comment this out, the class is applied as expected. The second line seems to be executed without any delay, i.e. ignores .delay(32000)


Delay works with addClass

and removeClass

? I assumed this would delay any function call that came after it, but apparently not in the way it seems to be executed immediately.


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1 answer

You can, but you need queue()

$("#form_editor").addClass('abcd').delay(3200).queue(function() {


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="form_editor">efgh....</div>

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or use the method setTimeout


var $formEditor = $("#form_editor"); // we plan to reuse it so let cache it!

$formEditor.addClass('abcd'); // add

  $formEditor.removeClass('abcd');  // remove
}, 3200);


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="form_editor">efgh....</div>

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jQuery animations (.animate, .fadeTo, fadeIn, etc.) add to the animation queue stack, an internal jQuery function than handle "what's next?" (latim), while other "no animation" methods (such as .text (), addClass (),. on (),. click (), etc.) do not.

To make it easy to remember .queue()

, think of it as a (really) missing callback function for.delay(2000, function(){ /*BAM!*/ }) /* well sadly, this does not works */



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