How to join two lines and remove unnecessary spaces in VIM

In source view, when two strings are concatenated, extra spaces will be compressed. For example:

This is line one,<space><space>
<space><space>and this is line two


will connect to:

This is line one,<space>and this is line two


but in VIM the connect command will create:

This is line one,<space><space>and this is line two


How do I get the same result as the original information?


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1 answer

Unfortunately, you cannot tweak this using the options. It is hard-coded that lines with trailing spaces will be detected this way. In general, finite space is undesirable. You might consider Vim's idea: "If there are spaces at the end, it might be important to keep it. Otherwise it won't be there." So the following line has spaces removed and concatenated:


" When joined:


" joined:


" joined


You can change this behavior on the map. This will rewrite yours J

to remove the trailing whitespace first and then join the lines:

nnoremap J :s/\s*$//<cr>J
vnoremap J :s/\s*$//<cr>gvJ




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