Is there a way to use custom patterns like regex or functions in a match?

I am writing a toy programming language in Rust. I prototyped the parser logic in Ruby:

def rd_tree(chars)
  loop do
    case c =
    when /\s/
      # whitespace stuff
    when "("
      # open paren stuff
    when ")"
      # close paren stuff
      # default stuff


And now I am converting it to Rust:

fn rd_tree(chars: std::str::Chars) {
    while let Some(c) = {
        if c.is_whitespace() {
            // whitespace stuff
        } else if c == '(' {
            // open paren stuff
        } else if c == ')' {
            // close paren stuff
        } else {
            // default stuff


I resorted to using the if, else-if chain because as far as I can tell, Rust's matching feature is limited to destructuring, enums, and template types. Is there a way to match regex or boolean functions? If not, is there a more idiomatic pattern here than if else-if? I expect the logic to have more branches in the future and I want it to remain neat.


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1 answer

Not yet. The match

samples should be made up of things that can be statically checked by the compiler.

However, you can use match defense:

fn rd_tree(chars: std::str::Chars) {
    while let Some(c) = {
        match c {
            c if c.is_whitespace() => {}
            '(' => {}
            ')' => {}
            _ => {}


Match protection allows you to run a function against any matched pattern.

In the future, persistent evaluation could be improved to allow function calls instead of templates:

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Foo { f: usize, g: usize }

const fn ZERO(x: usize) -> Foo { Foo { f: x, g: x } }

fn main() {
    let f = Foo { f: 0, g: 1 };
    match f {
        ZERO(22) => println!("hi"),
        _ => println!("1"),


This work is tracked in issue # 57240 . It's not immediately obvious to me how this would work with your specific example or regex without significant effort.



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