Selected current date in Full calendar form

Don't know when my application starts in date form to put the current date. I have a function where the day is clicked to be placed on the form, but how to do this automatically without clicking on it to put there?

    sclable: true,
    height: 355,
    contentHeight: 355,
    header: {
        right: 'details, today, prev,next',
    dayClick: function (date) {
        var datePicker = date.format('MM/DD/YYYY');
        if (!dateToday) {



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2 answers

What you are asking has more to do with HTML than a complete calendar.

You can achieve this by setting an attribute on value

your tag <input />


<input id='calendar-input' />


There are two ways to get the initial value for your input field in your javascript code.

1.If you are using moment.js which is recommended with a full calendar, you can do something like this:

 const today = moment().format(#formatType);
    document.getElementById("calendar-input").value = today;


2.If you want to use the full-calendar standard way of getting the current date and set it accordingly, in which case it will work for both initial and subsequent selection, use getDate . The method returns the current date of the calendar and you can set it exactly as above instead of creating a new date object of the moment.



<input id='calendar-input' />


The above did not work for me. try

<input type="date"/>




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