Bitcode support with Firebase alarms for uploading symbol files
I am having trouble loading symbol files for my app in Firebase. I tried to follow the instructions in the Firebase documentation but with no success.
When I run in terminal
following:./Pods/FirebaseCrash/batch-upload -i "/Users/***/Dropbox/Answer\ This/Answer\ This/Info.plist" -p "/Users/***/Downloads/GoogleService-Info.plist" "/Users/***/Dropbox/answer-this-3f26b-firebase-crashreporting-gqqd6-*NOT-CORRECT-NUMERS*.json" "FF8C3C56-0498-3C5C-B3C7-56B96A620001"
where UUID is the one listed for this particular crash in Firebase. I am getting this result:
./Pods/FirebaseCrash/batch-upload: line 122: FCR_PROD_VERS: environment variable empty or unset
Explicitly add to environment or set GoogleService-Info.plist (-p)
and Info.plist (-i) flags to extract values from the files.
Try "./Pods/FirebaseCrash/batch-upload -h" for details.
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1 answer
Follow these steps carefully
- Add your unzipped dsym folder to your main project directory
- Add this script to dsym folder
- Open terminal
- cd to dsym folder in the main project directory
- Run this python script ie 'python'
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