Map Network Drive for Azure Blob storage using SAS

Azure SAS

From what I read you can put the SAS URI in the browser and open the file

You can also create a SAS combo box and allow read container. In .NET, I follow how to use this.

Is it possible to map this list to SAS and read it as a network drive in Windows Explorer and view the file?



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1 answer

Map a network drive to Azure Blob Storage using SAS.

Azure Blob Storage does not currently support mapping as a network drive in Windows Explorer. If we want to manipulate Azure blob, we can use Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer . see the doc for more information .

If we want to map a network drive in Windows Explorer use Azure File Storage, for more details about Azure File Storage please refer to document .

net use <drive-letter>: \\<storage-account-name>\<share-name> /u:AZURE\<storage-account-name> <storage-account-key>
example :
net use z: \\\logs /u:AZURE\samples <storage-account-key>



  • Install a version of Windows that supports SMB 3.0. Windows will use SMB 3.0 encryption to securely transfer data between the on-premises client and the Azure file share in the cloud.
  • Open Internet access for port 445 (outbound TCP) on the local network as required by the SMB protocol.


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