AWS insulation for resilient bean glass and static asset placement

I have application code that handles routing and the remaining API written in golang, however all my client codes are written in Vue and I would like to highlight them so I didn't have to expand the entire container when I modified the div. I have looked at hosting all my static content on a CDN but its a bit tricky to dynamically reference a hash

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta charset=utf-8>
  <link href=/static/css/app.c6d9c9fc12c1dbaee77703a4dd731a8b.css rel=stylesheet>

  <div id=app>
  <script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/manifest.c40d98f512f01d44a02f.js>

  <script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/vendor.94202f7575960a15f341.js>

  <script type=text/javascript src=/static/js/app.7a2bba27be158abd2c91.js>




I thought of dynamically pulling from the front of the S3, however it can be costly even if I cache it. Is there a way to chain the AWS EB git hooks and pull on the appropriate docker containers?


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1 answer

I ended up using cloudfront, pointing mine

to a cloud site, configured ssl, so now my foreground deployment just goes to s3.

Then I have an api running on elastic beanstalk as well as ssl configured, so now if I want to push api i, move any

to the server name. I also set up ssl so that everything is encrypted.

I manage my api this way too.<endpoint>

Deployments are a breeze now!



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