Magento sql query has no index

I have a problem with SQL queries.

I currently have two versions of magento on different servers, both upgraded from to

The problem is when I check the requests with help SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST

I see that they are taking a long time. After some research, I tried to execute the same query on both servers (directly via the SQL command).

The results are 1:15 (68 x 263 rows versus 68 x 961902) in speed, and a colleague also checked the function EXPLAIN SQL

and saw that there was no key (index) on the slower query server. Tried to run the add USE INDEX ()

and use the key from a faster query server and it seems to be a problem because the query was coming with the same results and speed.

In conclusion, we believe that some configuration MYSQL

is incorrect.

Can anyone suggest what configuration or variable MYSQL

might be causing this problem? Because I have no ideas at the moment. I tried searching the web but the results couldn't help me.

SQL query.

SELECT  `main_table`.`entity_id`, main_table.`name`, main_table.`path`,
        `main_table`.`is_active`, `main_table`.`is_anchor`,
    FROM  `catalog_category_flat_store_1` AS `main_table`
    LEFT JOIN  `core_url_rewrite` AS `url_rewrite`
       ON  url_rewrite.category_id=main_table.entity_id
      AND  url_rewrite.is_system=1
      AND  url_rewrite.store_id = 1
      AND  url_rewrite.id_path LIKE 'category/%'
    WHERE  (main_table.include_in_menu = '1')
      AND  (main_table.is_active = '1')
      AND  (main_table.path like '1/2/3/%')
      AND  (`level` <= 3)
    ORDER BY  `main_table`.`position` ASC



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3 answers

Unfortunately, only updating MySQL from 5.7 to 5.5 fixed this issue.



Probably the best indexes are these "compound" indexes:

main_table:  INDEX(include_in_menu, is_active, path)
url_rewrite: INDEX(is_system, store_id, category_id, id_path)


Is there any reason to use it LEFT


If you still have problems after adding these indexes, please provide SHOW CREATE TABLE





You can replace

core_url_rewrite.id_path LIKE 'category/%'



core_url_rewrite.id_path REGEXP '^category/'


Or add one more condition to your query:

core_url_rewrite.category_id is not null


Magento + MySQL 5.7 = Slow Queries



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