Upload the file from the server to the Ionic2 app

I need to implement a function in my application Ionic2

where users can upload a specific video file to the Ionic2 application.

After checking the section, Ionic Native

I found the following plugins are available:

  • File
  • File selection
  • File opener
  • The path to the file

But couldn't find anything like ' cordova-plugin-file-transfer ' where a specific DOWNLOAD method exists .

What could be the way out?

Please suggest.


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2 answers

You can use Transfer's own plugin for this.

This plugin allows you to upload and download files.

Git Repo.

 ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
 npm install --save @ionic-native/transfer




You must use the " Transfer " plugin to load the file in ionic2

You can install the plugin using this command

ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
npm install --save @ionic-native/transfer


and then import it

import { Transfer, FileUploadOptions, TransferObject } from '@ionic-native/transfer';


install constructor

constructor(private transfer: Transfer, private file: File) { }


Then use this function to download file using url

download() {
const url = 'http://www.example.com/file.pdf';
fileTransfer.download(url, this.file.dataDirectory + 
'file.pdf').then((entry) => {
console.log('download complete: ' + entry.toURL());
}, (error) => {
// handle error


Hope this helps you You can also upload the file using this plugin



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