BigQuery UI when signing in to multiple Google Accounts

Not the most pressing problem facing humanity at the moment, but a common, if minor annoyance:

When using Google BigQuery, you can only use the default Google account that includes your browser. Currently, when I need to use BQ from the browser, I have to launch an incognito window and login using my secondary google account. It's not like any other Google service (cloud or not); I can usually switch accounts in the upper right corner.

Is there a way to get around this?


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2 answers

This is not yet implemented in the web interface!

See the corresponding bug tracker - Multilogin Support

Quotes from the link:

We do not yet have a BQ UI version in Pantheon that is far enough away to be a solution to this problem. We hope this version is ready for testing this summer, but it may not be complete even after that.

In the meantime, I would recommend using Chrome profiles (or the equivalent in your browser of choice) for user switching, rather than using multilogin. Or, if you still want to use multilogin and you only have one account that you use BQ with, make it your main multilingual account (i.e., log out of everything else and log in to that account first).



Quite late, but the problem still persists. Firefox users (quantum) (afaik from v57) can open container tabs with color coding. This way you can have multiple (default) google sessions per tab / tab group. This not only solves BQ but also google product problems colored scoreboard tab groups



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