Create an instance of EC2 instance and start it as new instances

I am installing one mail server in one EC2 instance. I want to copy the entire instance and run it as another new instance.

I am very confused about snapshot and AMI, so please suggest how to do this.


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1 answer

When talking about creating a copy or clone of an instance, there are two aspects to consider:

  • Configuration of the instance itself, such as Instance Type, Security Group, IAM Role and Network Subnet
  • Contents of disk volume (s)

To start an instance with the same instance configuration, use the Start More command like this in the action menu, where you can start a new instance with the same configuration. This will also select the original AMI used to launch the initial instance - note that this means it will have the same disk as when the original instance was launched, but will not have a copy of all data saved / modified in the original instance since it first launch.

If you want to create a perfect copy of the instance including the contents of the disk volume (s), then create an AMI (see documentation for Linux and Windows ). This will make a copy of the disk volume (s) so that any instance launched from the AMI will have the same data on disk. Then start a new instance from that AMI.



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