ErrorException: Warning: header can contain at most one header, newline encountered

I'm having trouble redirecting after a certain function that sends emails! My function:

public function emailAction($emails, $url)

    foreach($emails as $email)
        $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
            ->setSubject('Updates in Symfony Blog')
            ->setFrom(array('' => 'Symfony Blog'))
                array('url' => $url)

    return $this->redirect($this->newpostAction());
    //return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('NEWSBlogBundle_homepage'));



It sends emails ok, but then when redirected, it throws an error:

ErrorException: warning: header can contain at most one header, newline found at C: \ path \ to \ webroot \ Symfony \ app \ cache \ dev \ classes.php line 3899

  • in folder C: \ path \ to \ webroot \ Symfony \ app \ cache \ dev \ classes.php 3899
  • in ErrorHandler-> handle ('2', 'Header can contain at most one header, newline detected', 'C: \ path \ to \ webroot \ Symfony \ app \ cache \ dev \ classes.php', '3899' , array ('this' => object (RedirectResponse), 'name' => 'Location', 'values' => array ('', object (ResponseHeaderBag ), 'Redirect tohttps: // Redirect to .', '1.0', '302', 'Found', null), 'value' => object (ResponseHeaderBag)))
  • in the header ('Location: Cache-Control: no-cache Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 11:56:17 GMT Location: https: //, false) in C: \ path \ to \ webroot \ Symfony \ app \ cache \ dev \ classes.php line 3899
  • in Response-> sendHeaders () in folder C: \ path \ to \ webroot \ Symfony \ app \ cache \ dev \ classes.php line 3914
  • in Response-> send () at line C: \ path \ to \ webroot \ Symfony \ web \ app_dev.php 27

although I haven't changed anything about any "headers" (and don't know what they are!). My app_dev.php:


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])
    || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])
    || !in_array(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('', 'fe80::1', '::1'))
) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden');
    exit('You are not allowed to access this file. Check '.basename(__FILE__).' for more information.');

$loader = require_once __DIR__.'/../app/bootstrap.php.cache';
require_once __DIR__.'/../app/AppKernel.php';

$kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);


I've tried two different ways to redirect both (via routing and direct controller call), of which the same error while the pages are loading if I jusr type in their url!

I have no idea what the error is and how I should fix it!


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2 answers

To be detailed, your problem was a return value $this->newpostAction()

. This is usually an object Response

. But the redirect expects a uri / route that can be sent to the client via a header Location

. Forwarding always happens on the client side. But you can use ->forward('AcmeBundle:Demo:index')

to forward within another controller action. In this case, the client URL is not changed.



You are running a Symfony health check. When sending headers with, in header()

theory, you can send many headers with a single function call. Symfony prevents you from accidentally doing this when passing anything with a newline as the target URL.



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