How to draw this character at the exact height?

I am drawing text using the Graphics.DrawString () method, but the height of the text is not the same as I gave.

For example:

Font F=new Font("Arial", 1f,GraphicUnit.Inch);
g.DrawString("M", F,,new Point(0,0));


Using the code above, I draw text 1 "high, but the text is not drawn exactly 1".

I need to draw the text at the Exact height I give. Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

The simplest solution would be to use GraphicsPath

. Here are the steps involved:

  • Calculate the height you want in pixels: To get a 1.0 foot inch, say 150 dpi, you need 150 pixels.

  • Then create GraphicsPath

    and add a character or line in the font and font style you want to use using the calculated height

  • Now measure the resulting height using GetBounds


  • Then scale the height to the required number of pixels

  • Finally, clear the path and add the line again with the new height

  • Now you can use FillPath

    to display pixels.

Here's some sample code. It writes a test line to a file. If you want to write it to a printer or control using their objects Graphics

, you can do it the same way; just set / set dpi

before calculating the first height estimate.

The code below creates this file; Consolas

The 'x' is 150 pixels high, just like the second character (ox95) from the font Wingdings

. (Note that I did not center the output):

One inch Xenter image description here

// we are using these test data:
int Dpi = 150;
float targetHeight = 1.00f;
FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("Consolas");
int fs = (int) FontStyle.Regular;
string targetString = "X";

// this would be the height without the white space
int targetPixels = (int) targetHeight * Dpi;

// we write to a Btimpap. I make it large enough..
// Instead you can write to a printer or a Control surface..
using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(targetPixels * 2, targetPixels * 2))
    // either set the resolution here
    // or get and use it above from the Graphics!
    bmp.SetResolution(Dpi, Dpi);
    using (Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
        // good quality, please!
        G.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
        G.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
        // target position (in pixels)
        PointF p0 = new PointF(0, 0);
        GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
        // first try:
        gp.AddString(targetString, ff, fs, targetPixels, p0,
        // this is the 1st result
        RectangleF gbBounds = gp.GetBounds();
        // now we correct the height:
        float tSize = targetPixels * targetPixels / gbBounds.Height;
        // and if needed the location:
        p0 = new PointF(p0.X  - gbBounds.X, p0.X - gbBounds.Y);
        // and retry
        gp.AddString(targetString, ff, fs, tSize, p0, StringFormat.GenericDefault);
        // this should be good
        G.FillPath(Brushes.Black, gp);
    //now we save the image 
    bmp.Save("D:\\testString.png", ImageFormat.Png);


You can try using a correction factor to increase the size Font

and use DrawString

in the end.

There is also a way to calculate numbers forward using FontMetrics

, but I understand this link means this approach might be font dependent.



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