Modified DateTime doctrine is not saved

I am trying to change the DateTime field of an object using the function modify

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
    $end = $session->getEndDate();
    $session->setEndDate($end->modify('+10 seconds'));


This is the setter for the $ endDate field in the Session class:

    * @param \DateTime $endDate
   public function setEndDate(\DateTime $endDate)
       $this->endDate = $endDate;


Why can't end date changes persist to the database?


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4 answers

Doctrine will not persist changes to an existing DateTime instance (due to internal PHP equality testing phenomena, I think)

If you clone an object and then set it back, it should work. Or clone it into a setter?

See Doctrine2 ORM does not save changes to DateTime field



You need to clear it:



Saving is only saved for an object that has not yet been created.


The method modify

returns nothing, affects the instance of the object object, so you can just try:

$end = $session->getEndDate();
$end->modify('+10 seconds');


Hope for this help



You need to add a merge or flash to save the update

 $end = $session->getEndDate();
 $session->setEndDate($end->modify('+10 seconds'));




Based on @Cerad's comments, I wonder if this will work for you:

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$end = new \DateTime( $session->getEndDate() );
$end->modify('+10 seconds');
$session->setEndDate( $end );


You may try. I'm not sure if this will make a difference.



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