Xcode Swift 3.0 macOS (Sierra) app cannot create file, without permission

I am new to Xcode and Swift. I am trying to create a file called "file.txt" in my Documents folder and get the error "You do not have permission to save the file."

Ultimately, I do NOT want to use the default Docs directory as I am using FIFinderSyncController to view everything ("/").

    let targetFile = (FIFinderSyncController.default().targetedURL()?.path)! + "/file.txt"

    NSLog("%@", targetFile as NSString)

    let fileManager = FileManager.default
    if fileManager.fileExists( atPath: (targetFile) ) == false {

        do {
            let targetString = (FIFinderSyncController.default().targetedURL()?.path)! + "/Untitled.txt"

            NSLog("%@", targetString as NSString)

            let fileManager = FileManager.default

            if fileManager.fileExists( atPath: targetString ) == false {
                let content = "" // Just creating empty file.

                try content.write(toFile: targetString, atomically: false, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)

                let readingText = try NSString(contentsOfFile: targetString, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)

                NSLog("%@", readingText as NSString)
        catch {


The log shows:

2017-04-06 13:35:46.450077-0700 Open New Text File[5177:1035580]     /Users/david/Documents/file.txt
2017-04-06 13:35:46.450257-0700 Open New Text File[5177:1035580]     /Users/david/Documents/file.txt
You don’t have permission to save the file "file.txt" in the folder "Documents".



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3 answers

I found the answer here, so I thought I'd help. The problem lies in the limitations of the sandbox. If you add



Into the file permissions for the target as an array with strings for the parent folders you want to look at. In my case, I just added "/" to see everything. Here's mine:



This will allow you to access everything related to the specified folder.

One caveat: it seems (not fully tested) that if there are other FIFinderSyncController settings (in other applications) they might interfere with each other.



I had the same problem. I solved this by setting the "Application Sandbox" key to "No" in the "Rights File". Hope this helps.

enter image description here



What worked for me in a similar case was to select Read / Write under User Selected Files under Sandbox Capabilities.

enter image description here



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