Onclick works but addEventListener doesn't?

Ok, so I was creating a hands-on project that I saw on another website

I use addEventListeners

as the default event handling function, however, in the code below; the quiz app I am building looks at the questions but does not update the score even if the answer was correct. I continued debugging and logging the console for almost two hours until I found out that a "very strange" problem was that I was adding a handler addEventListener

to the buttons the user clicks to select an answer instead of a function onclick

. I want to know what the problem really is ...

Please open the code panel to see the code.

The problem is in the code on line 73


What further adds to my confusion is that when I moved this.currentQuestionIndex++

on line 17

inside the if statement in the method Quiz.prototype.checkAnswer

, it worked fine with addEventListener


You need your help to understand the secret of this.

//Creating the Quiz object
function Quiz(questions) {
  this.questions = questions;
  this.score = 0;
  this.currentQuestionIndex = 0;

Quiz.prototype.grabQuestion = function() {
  return this.questions[this.currentQuestionIndex];

Quiz.prototype.checkAnswer = function(answer) {
  if(this.grabQuestion().isCorrectAnswer(answer)) {

Quiz.prototype.hasEnded = function() {
  return this.currentQuestionIndex >= this.questions.length;

//creating the Question object.
function Question(title,choices,answer) {
  this.title = title;
  this.choices = choices;
  this.answer = answer;

Question.prototype.isCorrectAnswer = function(choice) {
  return this.answer === choice;

//Creating the Quiz Interface(Rendering into HTML)

var quizInterface = {
  displayNext: function() {
    if(quiz.hasEnded()) {
    else {

  displayScore: function() {
    var scoreDisplay = 'your score is ' + quiz.score;
  displayQuestion: function() {

  displayChoices: function() {
    var choices = quiz.grabQuestion().choices;
    for (var i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
      this.populateIdWithHTML("choice" + i, choices[i]);
      this.checkingHandler("guess" + i, choices[i]);

  displayProgress: function() {
    var currentQuestionNum = quiz.currentQuestionIndex + 1;
    this.populateIdWithHTML("progress","Question " + currentQuestionNum + " of " + quiz.questions.length)

  checkingHandler: function(id,checking) {
    var btn = document.getElementById(id);

    /* The addEventListener function throws an error for some reason */


    //The onclick function works though normally though...
    /*  btn.onclick = function() {

  populateIdWithHTML: function(id,theHTML) {
    var elem = document.getElementById(id);
    elem.innerHTML = theHTML;

var questionOne = new Question('What is the whole area of Egypt?',['1MKM','2MKM'],'1MKM');
var questionTwo = new Question('What is the currency of Egypt?',['EGP','USD'],'EGP');
var questionThree = new Question('What is the capital of Egypt?',['cairo','baghdad'],'cairo');
var questionFour = new Question('What is the latest Battlefield game?',['BF4','BF1'],'BF1');
var questionFive = new Question('What is the OS of Mac laptops?',['Mac IOS','Mac OS'],'Mac OS');

var questions = [questionOne,questionTwo,questionThree,questionFour,questionFive];

var quiz = new Quiz(questions);

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<head lang="en">
    <title>The Quiz</title>

<div class="grid">
    <div id="quiz" class="centered grid__col--8">

        <h2 id="question" class="headline-secondary--grouped"></h2>
        <h3 id="score"></h3>

        <p id="choice0"></p>
        <button id="guess0" class="btn--default">Select Answer</button>

        <p id="choice1"></p>
        <button id="guess1" class="btn--default">Select Answer</button>

            <p id="progress">Question x of y</p>

Run codeHide result


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