Receiving http request with request in Alamofire in Swift

I am trying to fetch data from mLab service from my mongodb database. I can make request successfully from browser and get data with below code.{"member_id":2}&apiKey=2ABdhQTy1GAWiwfvsKfJyeZVfrHeloQI


I need to change "member_id" to "member_id" so I don't get sytax error. The rest is the same. However, it doesn't get anything with Alamofire in Swift on iOS. (I've also tried this without alamofire, with a normal HTTP request, but still doesn't work)

If I try without it {"member_id":2}

, it works. I am sampling with below code (doesn't work);



I am also trying to add parameters

   let parameters: Parameters = ["member_id": "3"]
Alamofire.request("{\"member_id\":3}&apiKey=2ABdhQTy1GAWiwfvsKfJyeZVfrHeloQI", parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding(destination: .methodDependent))


This is the api document;



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1 answer

Your request should look like this:

let parameters: Parameters = [
     "q": ["member_id": 2], 
     "apiKey": "2ABdhQTy1GAWiwfvsKfJyeZVfrHeloQI"
Alamofire.request("", method: .get, parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding.default)


It is more readable and you can also change the parameters easily.

Hope it helps



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