How can I filter rows where the first character of the column is in the range with EF and SQL Server?

I have the following table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Phrase] (
    [PhraseId]      UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DEFAULT (newid()) NOT NULL,    
    [English]       NVARCHAR (250)   NOT NULL


Is it possible to use Entity Framework so that I can select all those rows where the first character of the [English] column is less than "k". For example, where is either "a", "b", "c" ... "j", etc.

Something like that:

query = query.Where(w =>   w.English.StartsWith("k");


but for a range of characters, not just "k"


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1 answer

You can filter this after fetching records from db. To do this, you can do the following:

var result = query.ToList();


And then filter it like this:

result = result.Where(w => Convert.ToChar(w.English.Substring(0,1).ToLower()) < 'k');


The SQL Server

following query will work:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE Substring(English, 1, 1) < 'k'


For a range of characters, your query would look like this:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE Substring(English, 1, 1) BETWEEB 'a' And 'j'


The above data will fetch records provided that the first character of the English column must be between a

and j

. Please note that a

and j

will be included in this case.

For certain characters only, your query will look like this:

 SELECT * FROM table WHERE Substring(English, 1, 1) IN ('a', 'd', 'f')


The above return the records, English column that begins with a

, d

, f

. To negate, you can useNOT IN ('a', 'd', 'f')

I would suggest you write a procedure with the above query and then call it using an entity framework. This approach will be much faster.



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