Elm: How does this init work?

type alias Model =
  { dieFace : Int

init : (Model, Cmd Msg)
init =
  (Model 1, Cmd.none)


Why is an integer being 1

passed to the ala model Model 1


Seems like the type alias needs to be written?


source to share

2 answers

There isn't a lot of explainable magic in Elm (for good reason), but one bit is the type and type alias constructors. Whenever you create a type (alias), you get the constructor function for free. So, to use your example,

type alias Model =
  { dieFace : Int


gives you a (somewhat strange) constructor function

Model : Int -> Model 


is free. If you add more entries to your post, for example

type alias Model =
  { dieFace : Int
  , somethingElse : String


the constructor function takes more arguments.

Model : Int -> String -> Model 


The order of these actions is the same order as the entries, so if you change the order of your type's aliases, you have to change the order of the arguments to the constructor function.

Union types work in a similar way.

type Shape
  = Circle Int
  | Square Int Int 


silently creates constructors:

Circle: Int -> Shape 
Square : Int -> Int -> Shape




Model 1

Used in "Model" as a positional notation constructor. It is equal{dieFace = 1}

Here's another example:

type alias Rcd =
    { first : String
    , second : Int 


Rcd can be built in two ways:

Rcd "some string" 4
{ first = "some string" , second = 4}


The first option is just shorthand and is often used to initialize records.



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