C # MVC - general wizard form

I am trying to create a form master where I can define steps. For each step, I need to have a contoller and a view based on the step type. I tried to do this on generic types, but I have a problem with a running method on a controller that is generic.

Here's an example.

public interface IExampleInterface { }
public abstract class WizardBaseController<T> : Controller where T : IExampleInterface
    public abstract List<T> Steps { get; set; }
    public abstract ActionResult RenderStep(T step);

    public virtual ActionResult RenderNext(T step)
        var index = Steps.IndexOf(step);
        return RenderStep(Steps[index+1]);

public class ExampleClass : IExampleInterface { }
public class WizardController<T> : WizardBaseController<ExampleClass> where T : ExampleClass
    public override List<ExampleClass> Steps { get; set; }

    public override ActionResult RenderStep(ExampleClass step)
        //do stuff
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public virtual ActionResult RenderStep(T step)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public ActionResult CreateSteps()
        Steps = new List<ExampleClass>
            new AnotherExampleClassA(),
            new AnotherExampleClassB(),
            new ExampleClass(),
            new AnotherExampleClassB(),
            new AnotherExampleClassA(),

        return RenderNext(Steps.First());

public class AnotherExampleClassA : ExampleClass { }
public class ChildWizzardConotroller : WizardController<AnotherExampleClassA>
    public override ActionResult RenderStep(AnotherExampleClassA e)
        //do stuff
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class AnotherExampleClassB : ExampleClass { }
public class AnotherChildWizzardConotroller : WizardController<AnotherExampleClassB>
    public override ActionResult RenderStep(AnotherExampleClassB e)
        //do stuff
        throw new NotImplementedException();


but when i try to call action from wizardController i get 404 error

<a href="@Url.Action("CreateSteps", "Wizard")">Trigger Action</a>


I'm not sure if my way of doing this is correct.

Basically my goal is to create a wizard with different types of steps and call different methods based on the type of steps. For example, to call a RenderStep method (with parameter type - ExampleClass) I want to call a method that is in WizardController when RenderStep (with parameter type - AnotherExampleClassA) calls a method in ChildWizzardConotroller, etc.


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