Clang and GCC disagree on constructor choice when using shape binding and initializer_list

In my Qt5 project, I came across the following setup:

#include <initializer_list>

struct QJsonArray;

struct QJsonValue
    /*explicit*/ QJsonValue(QJsonArray const &) {}

struct QJsonArray
    QJsonArray(QJsonArray const &) {}
    QJsonArray(std::initializer_list<QJsonValue>) {}

void f(QJsonArray a = {})
    QJsonArray b {a}; // GCC: init-list ; Clang: Copy-Cc
    QJsonArray c (a); // GCC: Copy-Cc   ; Clang: Copy-Cc

int main()


You can see that on the commented lines, GCC and Clang disagree on which constructor should be called.

(You can check this code on C ++ Compiler Explorer with latest GCC and Clang with flag -std=c++11


If I uncomment explicit

, both compilers choose the same constructor (copy constructor).

What's the compiler here?


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1 answer

GCC is correct here. For non-aggregates, using braced-init lists can bypass the copy constructors in favor of the appropriate constructor initializer_list

. Since it QJsonArray

can be implicitly converted to QJsonValue

, and QJsonArray

has a constructor initializer_list

that accepts QJsonValue

s, this constructor would be preferred over even the copy constructor.



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