The generic return type of the implicit generic type declared with a template

Imagine this piece of code:

public static <T> T[] superClassArray(Class<? extends T[]> subClass) {
    T[] superArray = (T[]) Array.newInstance(subClass.getComponentType().getSuperclass(), 0);
    return superArray;


The return type of T[]

this method would be any type given as an argument subClass

, even thought is subClass

not guaranteed to actually represent T[]

, but just a subclass ( ? extends T

). So the actual return type must be Object

, since it is T[]

not more explicitly declared than any superclass from subClass


Integer[] objA = superClassArray(Integer[].class);


compiles because it mistakenly expects to return an object Integer[]

, but explicitly throws it away ClassCastException

because the object is Number[]

indeed returned.

So, is there an excuse for mistreating generic types only declared through rather vague wildcards, or am I wrong at any point in my consideration?


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2 answers

As I understand it, you are not very consistent in what you are trying to do. With your method, you create a SUPERTYPE array of your class that actually gets executed.

But then you are trying to assign it to a SUBTYPE reference, which is illegal. If you are really sure that this array cannot contain values ​​of any other type than Integer, you can use it explicitly:

Integer[] objA = (Integer[]) superClassArray(Integer[].class);


BUT I don't see any value whatsoever in code like this and in the real world, if you have a problem you are trying to solve with something like this, you really think about it a few more times and come up with a better solution. :)



You don't have to do manual casting. Generics should handle this at compile time. If you get a compile-time error, it is better to fix it instead of doing unsafe casting in your below code snippet.

T[] superArray = (T[])Array.newInstance(subClass.getComponentType().getSuperclass(), 0);




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