When using haxe-responsive to String instead of Component?

I am trying to render a list component using Haxe and haxe-react. But it displays "as a string in HTML"! Any guidance. Here is the code for it.

  override public function render(){
  var sList:String = this.getListString();

  return jsx('
    <div style={{margin:"10px", border:"black 2px solid"}}>
     ${ sList }
private function getListString():String{
  var result:String = '';
  for (i in 0 ... 10) {
    result += ('<div>'+i+'</div>');
  return ('<div style={{margin:"10px", border:"black 2px solid"}}>'+result+'</div>');


While it is compiling. Thank.


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1 answer

The reason, according to the author of the question, is that the macro jsx

does not process String

, so you cannot build it using concatenation: the macro converts the parameter jsx('JSX expression')

to React Elements at compile time .

The correct way to create a list of React Elements is to build Array<ReactElement>


private function getList() {
  var result = [];
  for (i in 0 ... 10) {
    result.push( jsx('<div key=$i>$i</div>') );
  return jsx('<div style={{margin:"10px", border:"black 2px solid"}}>$result</div>');


PS: notice the added attribute key

, it is important to specify the key for the elements in the ReactElements array.



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