Reject a promise from ()

How can you drop a promise from within then()


For example:

}).catch(()=>{ /*do something*/ });


The only relevant question I found was this: How to reject a promise from inside and then a function , but this is from 2014, so there must be a better way to then quit by now with ES6 support.


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1 answer

ES6 / ES2015 is still JavaScript and doesn't offer anything new about rejecting promises. In fact, native promises are ES6.

This is either

.then(() => {
  return Promise.reject(...);



.then(() => {
  throw ...;


And a throw

more idiomatic (and usually more efficient) way to do it.

This may not be true for other promise implementations. For example. in AngularJS throw

and $q.reject()

are not the same thing.



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