Rails Asset Pipeline is not loading my javascript file (why is this code not working

This code works if I include it in the view itself, and it works if I include it directly in the Application.js file, but it won't work if I include it in the assets / javascripts / mailers.js file .. can anyone - ever tell me what i'm doing wrong, thanks.

function myFunction(val) {
if (val.length == 10) {


Maybe I misnamed it? Here's the code in the view:

<%= text_field_tag :search_mailer, nil, autofocus: true, onkeyup: "myFunction(this.value)" %>


is there anything else I need to add to the mailers.js file I included above? Because that's all there is in this file. The only code in the mailers.js file is:

function myFunction(val) {
if (val.length == 10) {



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6 answers

You might have missed including the file in your manifest file. The manifest file will precompile all the .js files in a directory assets/javascripts

into one large file. This is the file that your application is executing. If you don't use your .js file there, it is not included and why nothing happens.

The correct way to include your files is:

//= require mailers.js


in your application.js file. What else, by default you have

//= require_tree .


which requires all js files to be in assets / javascript directory.

if you want to include it specifically for the view, omit the tihs in:

<%= javascript_include_tag "mailers", "data-turbolinks-track" => true  %>


To do this, if the precompilation is false, you need to add the file separately:   In config / initializers / assets.rb

 Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( mailers.js )


or In config / application.rb

config.assets.precompile += %w( mailers.js )


The problem may also be that the application will pre-compile the wrong file if you have .js and. coffeescript of the same name. You can try running

   rake assets:clean
   rake assets:precompile


And start the server again.



I had the same error on Rails 5

. My file was javascript

not loading when it is the same file name coffee


I decided to change it to a different name.

Hope this helps you or someone.



Have you tried including the mailers.js file in your application.js manifest as follows?

//= require mailers



Check your layout file. If it javascript_include_tag

's in the title section of the page, try removing it and then placing it just before the closing tag </body>

. Another work around this is to put your code between the document.ready function like this:

$(document).ready(function (){
  function myFunction(val) {
    if (val.length == 10) {




I solved it by changing the JS file to this:

$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
  function myFunction(val) {
    if (val.length == 10) {




There was a similar issue with the default generation of Rails 5 apps. I created a new .js file and when calling the function from the new file, it couldn't find it. I fixed this by adding //= require_tree.

to the file application.js




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