For a 20-point loop, skip each time

I would like to write a piece of a for loop that will loop through an existing list and display 20 elements from that list every time it iterates.

So something like this:

  • If filterList contains, say, 68 elements ...
  • The first 3 loops will take 20 times each, and then the last 4th iteration will leave the remaining 8 items that are in the list ...

I wrote something like this:

var allResponses= new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < filteredList.Count(); i++)


If filterList is supposed to be a list with 68 elements. I figured this is not the way to go because I don't want to loop over the size of the collections, but instead of 68 times it should be 4 times and every time I take 20 items from the list ... How can I do this?


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3 answers

You're pretty close - just add a call Skip

and divide Count

by 20, rounded up:

var allResponses= new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < (filteredList.Count+19) / 20; i++) {


The "add 19, divide by 20" trick provides an idiomatic way to take the "ceiling" of integer division rather than the "floor".

Edit: Better yet (thanks to Thomas Ayoub )

var allResponses= new List<string>();
for (int i = 0 ; i < filteredList.Count ; i = i + 20) {




You just need to calculate the number of pages:

const in PAGE_SIZE = 20;
int pages = filteredList.Count() / PAGE_SIZE
            + (filteredList.Count() % PAGE_SIZE > 0 ? 1 : 0)


The latter part ensures that at 21, 1 page is added above the previously calculated page size (starting at 21/20 = 1).

Or, using MoreLINQ, you can just use the call Batch




I offer a simple loop with page

the addition of 0

, 20

, 40

... iterations without Linq and complex modular operations:

int pageSize = 20;

List<String> page = null;

for (int i = 0; i < filteredList.Count; ++i) {
  // if page reach pageSize, add a new one 
  if (i % pageSize == 0) {
    page = new List<String>(pageSize);   






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