Mvc 5 Tests - Set Controller Summing Value

I have an index page that can have a ViewBag

last search value . I want to customize my controller so I can set this value ViewBag

before calling my system under test ( ProductManagementController


Index action

public async Task<ActionResult> Index(ProductManagementVm postedVm)
    // Reset pagination if new search
    if (postedVm.BookSearch != ViewBag.lastSearch)
        postedVm.Page = 1;

    var httpResponseMessage = await_httpService.GetAsync(_urlConfigurations.GetProductList);

    var vm = _productFactory.BuildProductManagementVm(
                    await Task.Run(() => httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()), postedVm);

    vm.BookSearch = postedVm.BookSearch;

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(postedVm.BookSearch))
        postedVm.BookSearch = string.Empty;

    ViewBag.lastSearch = postedVm.BookSearch;
    return View(vm);


Installation class

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Controllers;
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Interfaces;
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Interfaces.Factories;
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Models;
using ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Models.ViewModels;
using Moq;
using SpecsFor;

namespace ICEBookshop.MVC.App.Tests.Controllers.ProductManagement
    public class BaseGiven : SpecsFor<ProductManagementController>
        protected Mock<IHttpService> HttpServiceMock = new Mock<IHttpService>();
        protected Mock<IProductFactory> ProductFactoryMock = new Mock<IProductFactory>();
        protected Mock<IUrlConfigurations> UrlConfigurationsMock = new Mock<IUrlConfigurations>();
        protected Mock<IJsonValidator> JsonValidatorMock = new Mock<IJsonValidator>();
        protected ProductManagementController ProductManagementController;
        protected HttpResponseMessage HttpResponseMessage;
        protected string JsonContent;
        protected bool IsModelStateValid;  

        protected ActionResult ActionResult;
        protected RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRouteResult;
        protected ViewResult ViewResult;
        protected ProductManagementVm ProductManagementVm;
        protected ProductViewModel ProductViewModel;   

        protected void BaseGivenSetup()
            ProductManagementController = new ProductManagementController(HttpServiceMock.Object,
                ProductFactoryMock.Object, UrlConfigurationsMock.Object, JsonValidatorMock.Object);

            SUT = ProductManagementController;


I would like to install ProductManagementController.ViewBag.SomeName = "some string"

, so when I enter the controller I am testing this scenario, but at the moment it is null


Does anyone know how to set a ViewBag

controller value before testing it?

Unit test

public class WhenServiceReturnProductsAndViewBagHasSearchString : GivenGoingToIndexActionInProductsManagement
    protected override void When()
        HttpResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage
            StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
            Content = new StringContent("some string content from the service")

        HttpServiceMock.Setup(expr => expr.GetAsync(It.IsAny<string>())).ReturnsAsync(HttpResponseMessage);

                expr => expr.BuildProductManagementVm(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<ProductManagementVm>()))
            .Returns(new ProductManagementVm());

        // This doesn't work :(
        SUT.ViewBag.LastSearch = "Hey I'm a search string :D";


        ActionResult = SUT.Index(new ProductManagementVm()).Result;
        ViewResult = (ViewResult)ActionResult;
        ProductManagementVm = (ProductManagementVm)ViewResult.Model;

    public void ThenActionResultIsNotNull()

    public void ThenAViewResultIsNotNull()

    public void ThenProductManagementVmIsNotNull()



source to share

1 answer

ViewBag gets its data from propertyViewData

public dynamic ViewBag
        if (_dynamicViewDataDictionary == null)
            _dynamicViewDataDictionary = new DynamicViewDataDictionary(() => ViewData);
        return _dynamicViewDataDictionary;


So you need to fill in the value you want in order to be able to access it in ViewBag

Here is the POC

public class ViewBagTests {
    public void ViewBag_ShouldBe_PrePopulated() {
        var SUT = new TargetController();

        var expected = "Hey I'm the old search string :D";

        SUT.ViewData["LastSearch"] = expected;

        var actual = SUT.Index() as ViewResult;

        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.Model);

    class TargetController : Controller {
        public ActionResult Index() {
            var previous = ViewBag.LastSearch;
            return View((object)previous);





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