Docker - Cassandra

I am trying to dockerize cassandra by following these steps. Docker file ->

FROM oraclelinux:7.3
COPY apache-cassandra-2.2.8-bin.tar.gz /opt
RUN cd /opt && tar -xvzf apache-cassandra-2.2.8-bin.tar.gz
RUN cd /opt && ln -s apache-cassandra-2.2.8 cassandra
RUN cd /opt/cassandra && mkdir data && mkdir commitlog && mkdir saved_caches
COPY cassandra.yaml /opt/cassandra/conf
COPY /opt/cassandra/conf
RUN chmod +x /opt/cassandra/bin/cassandra
ENV CASSANDRA_CONFIG /opt/cassandra/conf
ENV CASSANDRA_HOME /opt/cassandra
RUN /opt/cassandra/bin/cassandra
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/cassandra/bin/cassandra"]
EXPOSE 7000 7001 7199 9160


When I create docker cassandra using

docker build -t my_cassandra .


gives an error message

Step 19/21 : RUN /opt/cassandra/bin/cassandra
---> Running in 36bd332c523a
cat: /etc/*.conf: No such file or directory


When I create docker cassandra using

docker run -it my_cassandra bin/bash


it throws the same error message

cat: /etc/*.conf: No such file or directory


If I remove the ENTRYPOINT line or its hash, docker builds and runs fine, but cassandra doesn't start as part of the docker run command. I have to go into the container and manually start from. / cassandra

Is there a way I could run cassandra as part of the docker run command here?


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1 answer

In the example above, this doesn't seem like an ENTRYPOINT problem. You don't have to run Cassandra as part of a Docker build.

Step 19/21 : RUN /opt/cassandra/bin/cassandra ---> Running in 36bd332c523a cat: /etc/*.conf: No such file or directory

Delete RUN /opt/cassandra/bin/cassandra


Take a look at the official Dasser Cassandra image on Docker Hub.

link: Official docker file

link: Docker Hub - Cassandra



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