Using Multiple CheckStylePublishers in Jenkins Pipe

The definition of my Jenkins pipeline description looks like this (excerpt):

eslint: {stage('ES Lint') {
            sh "bin/eslint ..."
            step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher', pattern:...])

stylelint: {stage('Style Lint') {
            sh "..."
            sh "..."
            step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher', pattern: '...'])
            step([$class: 'CheckStylePublisher', pattern: '...'])



I have many steps that call CheckStylePublisher. Unfortunately, when displaying the output in the Jenkins UI, I see several CheckStylePublisher plots, but they do not have a link to the corresponding step.

CheckStyle graphs without info

Is there a way to name the CheckStylePublisher instances and associate them with the scene name in some way? Thanks to


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