Fields_for do not save nested parameters in rails 5.0.1

I am new to rails, although I did some basic applications and read a few tutorials, this is the first time I delved into nested attributes inside forms and using for_fields.

I've searched a lot of similar questions and read the documentation on for_fields, however my form is not saved when I use fields in my form. I tested without borders and saved them (without saving the nested DB, obviously).

What I am trying to do is simple event registration, which in turn has some attributes and a date in a separate model.

I've tried with and without checks, many different things inside strong parameters

Here are my event models:

class Event < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :eventdates, dependent: :destroy
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :eventdates

  validates :name, :description, :city, :street, :postal_code, presence: true



Eventdate Model:

class Eventdate < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :event

  validates :date, :start_hour, :finish_hour, :event_id, presence: true


Event controller:

class EventsController < ApplicationController

  def new
    @event =

  def create
    @event =
      redirect_to root_url
      render "static_pages/home"


    def event_params
      params.require(:event).permit(:name, :description, :street, :city, :postal_code, :address_number, :additional_info, 
      eventdates_attributes: [:id, :date, :start_hour, :finish_hour, :event_id])


And the form:

<%= form_for(@event, url: events_path) do |f| %>
    <%= f.label :nombre %>
    <%= f.text_field :name %>

    <%= f.fields_for :eventdates do |eventdate_fields| %>

      <%= eventdate_fields.label :fecha %>
      <%= eventdate_fields.date_field :date %>

      <%= eventdate_fields.label :hora_de_inicio %>
      <%= eventdate_fields.time_field :start_hour %>

      <%= eventdate_fields.label :hora_de_termino %>
      <%= eventdate_fields.time_field :finish_hour %>
    <% end %>

  <%= f.label :infomaciรณn_adicional %>
  <%= f.text_area :additional_info %>

    <%= f.submit "Crear evento" %>
<% end %>


I'm sure this is a very basic form, but somehow refuses to save to the database at all.


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1 answer

In the model eventdate.rb

add optional: true

to this line:belongs_to :event

class Eventdate < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :event, optional: true

  validates :date, :start_hour, :finish_hour, :event_id, presence: true


As Rails will build first eventdates

and then build event

and link to them evendates

(updating everything event_id

in these evendates

). But on creation, the eventdates

column event_id

is equal nil

and eventdates

cannot be saved.



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