Error: package org.apache.kafka.clients.producer not

I am new to kafka. When I run this command

javac -cp "C:\kafka\kafka_2.11-\libs\kafka-clients-" *.java


I am getting the error

Error: package org.apache.kafka.clients.producer does not exist


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2 answers

I got an answer.

So, post here if anyone else needs it.

The following command works well

javac -classpath ".; C: \ kafka \ kafka_2.11- \ libs \ kafka-clients-;" * .java

But actually we have to use the following to compile

javac -classpath ".; C: \ kafka \ kafka_2.11- \ libs *;" * .java

and run the class file this

java -classpath ".; C: \ kafka \ kafka_2.11- \ libs *;" FileName SimpleProducer



In addition to @ Abhishek's answer: -

First download the Kafka client library dependencies from []

Copy the folder org

and paste it into lib

our main Kafka directory folder.

Then run the above two commands

Also it can be controlled by simple commands: -

javac -cp libs *.java

java -cp libs SimpleProducer *topicname*




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