Spring Boot Embedded MongoDb data pre-populated

I want to know if there are tools like Flyway that can help with database initialization / migration for mongodb. Some of my thoughts were

  • I used flapdoodle as embedded mongo using springboot. This works fine, but I need to manually put data in it.
  • For Junit tests with mongo db, I use nosqlunit . This works great with Fongo (Fake mongo). It supports reading data from json file and pre-filling the database with data at startup time. But this only works with junit as it is a JUnit extension.

What I'm looking for is a combination of both of the above, inline mongo that not only works with JUnit but can prefill data from a given json (similar to V1__init.sql in Flyway)
Is there such a tool?


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2 answers

Finally, I developed this simple pre-signed version for Mongo. Here is the code.


Given the seed data, this autoconfiguration fills the mango.



You can also use Mongobee for this. If the application is downloaded set of changes

Maven dependency



you will need to create bean for Mongobee in your context xml file

<bean id="mongobee" class="com.github.mongobee.Mongobee">
<constructor-arg ref="mongo"/>
<property name="dbName" value="${mongo.databaseName}"/>
<property name="enabled" value="true"/>
<property name="changeLogsScanPackage" value="basepackagewherechangesetispresent"/>


Now add the changeset class

@ChangeLog(order = "1")
public class DatabaseChangeLog {

 @ChangeSet(order = "101", id = "somelogicalnameforthischangeset", author = "nameofpersonwhodidthischange")
 public void setupSeedData(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) { 
    // run your datasetup, prefill,migration here.


And just like a span, it also maintains a schema version table so that the same changeset does not run again in the same environment.



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