OS X - x64: stack not 16 byte aligned

I know OS X is 16 byte alignment, but I really don't understand why the error occurs here.

All I am doing here is passing the size of the object (which is 24) to% rdi and calling malloc. Does this error mean that I have to request 32 bytes?

And the error message:

libdyld.dylib`stack_not_16_byte_aligned_error: β†’ 0x7fffc12da2fa <+0>: movdqa% xmm0, (% rsp) 0x7fffc12da2ff <+5>: int3

libdyld.dylib`_dyld_func_lookup: 0x7fffc12da300 <+0>: pushq% rbp 0x7fffc12da301 <+1>: movq% rsp,% rbp

Here is the code:

    pushq %rbp
    movq %rbp, %rsp

    subq $8, %rsp
    movq %rdi, 8(%rsp)          # save self address
    movq obj_size(%rdi), %rax   # get object size
    imul $8, %rax          
    movq %rax, %rdi 
    callq _malloc             <------------------- error in this call

    # rsi old object address
    # rax new object address
    # rdi object size, mutiple of 8

    # rcx temp reg

    # copy object tag
    movq 0(%rsi), %rcx
    movq %rcx, 0(%rax)

    # set rdx to counter, starting from 8
    movq $8, %rdx

    # add 8 to object size, since we are starting from 8
    addq $8, %rdi

        cmpq %rdx, %rdi
        jle end_loop

        movq (%rdx, %rsi, 1), %rcx
        movq %rcx, (%rdx, %rax, 1)

        addq $8, %rdx
        jmp start_loop


    .quad    5                          ; object tag
    .quad    3                          ; object size
    .quad    Main_dispatch_table        ; dispatch table

    leaq Main_protoObj(%rip), %rdi
    callq Object_copy                # copy main proto object
    subq $8, %rsp                    # save the main object on the stack
    movq %rax, 8(%rsp)
    movq %rax, %rdi                 # set rdi point to SELF
    callq Main_init
    callq Main_main

    addq $8, %rsp                    # restore stack

    leaq _term_msg(%rip), %rax
    callq _print_string



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1 answer

As you said, MacOS X is 16-byte aligned, which means that the machine expects every variable on the stack to start working on a byte that is a multiple of 16 of the current stack pointer.

When the stack is displaced, it means that we start trying to read variables from the middle of that 16-byte window and usually end up with a segmentation fault.

Before you call a subroutine in your code, you must make sure that your stack is correctly aligned; in this case, which means the base pointer register is divisible by 16.

subq $8, %rsp               # stack is misaligned by 8 bytes
movq %rdi, 8(%rsp)          #
movq obj_size(%rdi), %rax   #
imul $8, %rax               #
movq %rax, %rdi             #
callq _malloc               # stack is still misaligned when this is called


To fix this, you can subq


do something like 16 instead of 8.

subq $16, %rsp               # stack is still aligned
movq %rdi, 16(%rsp)          #
...                          #
callq _malloc                # stack is still aligned when this is called, good




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