How to include a class from outside the cakephp folder

See my current file structure

  - bin
  - config
  - src
  - vendor
  - webroot

  - push.php


I want to import/include

Push a class to my cakephp2 application which is in push.php file outside cakephp

What i tried

require_once( ROOT . DS . '..' . DS . 'RowPHP'. DS . 'push.php');
$pushOb = new Push(); 


it turns on successfully, but when i try to create an object via error

Fatal error: Class 'App \ Controller \ Push' not found

Question: How can I import / include this class in my cakephp application?


source to share

1 answer

You need to make sure PHP can find the class in the correct namespace using new \Push()

(note the backslash in front of the class name): -

require_once( ROOT . DS . '..' . DS . 'RowPHP'. DS . 'push.php');
$pushOb = new \Push();




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