How to extract src of dynamically loaded images using scrapy

I'm currently trying to clean up the site using scrapy.

In this project, I am trying to extract the url of the main image loaded on each of the product pages, for example: 26spc% 3D94% 26rsid% 3Dundefined% 26pn% 3D1 | 2 | 1 | 94

However, each image is loaded with an image request on the website, so I can't just xpath find the image url. How to extract urls of images using scrapy?

Here is a screenshot of the requests I see in my Chrome developer tools:


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1 answer

For e-commerce websites, it is enough to distribute some json data in an html corpus and then the user's browser unpacks it into a full page.

For this particular page, if you copy the image url and search the page source, you can see all the product data stored in:

<script id="pdp_data" type="application/json">some_json</script>


You can grab this data with scrapy and decode the json into a python dictionary:

data = response.xpath("//script[@id='pdp_data']/text()").extract_first()
import json
data = json.loads(data)
# then you can parse the data
# '8/optimized/9216988_fpx.tif'




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