Call constructors for calling member functions

I am trying to learn C ++ and have to create some code to learn the class hierarchy. It is built in such a way that class A and B have a has-a relationship and class B and C. I need to make a copy of my object in my main file, including the copy constructor A to call the copy constructors in B and C, but I don't know if how to do it.

#ifndef A_HH
#define A_HH

#include "B.hh"

class A {

  A() { std::cout << "Constructor A" << this << std::endl ; }
  A(const A&) { std::cout << "Copy Constructor A" << this << std::endl ; }
  ~A() { std::cout << "Destructor A" << this << std::endl ; }


  B b;

} ;



Class B:

#ifndef B_HH
#define B_HH

#include <iostream>

#include "C.hh"

class B {

  B() { std::cout << "Constructor B" << this << std::endl ;  array = new C[len];}
  B(const B& other): array(other.array) { std::cout << "Copy Constructor B" << this << std::endl ; 
   array = new C[len];
    for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
       C[i] = other.C[i];

  ~B() { std::cout << "Destructor B" << this << std::endl ; delete[] array;}


   C *array;
   static const int len = 12;

} ;



And class C:

#ifndef C_HH
#define C_HH

#include <iostream>

class C {

  C() { std::cout << "Constructor C" << this << std::endl ; }
  C(const C&) { std::cout << "Copy Constructor C" << this << std::endl ; }
  ~C() { std::cout << "Destructor C" << this << std::endl ; }


} ;



I create both objects like this:


int main(){

A a;
A a_clone(a);


So, on creation, a_clone

I have to get copy constructor messages, but now it's just creating a new object which I think.

Follow-up question: my class B really looks like the edited one where it should create a dynamically allocated array of objects C

. But this way it still doesn't use the copy constructor. How to fix it?


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2 answers

In your copy constructors, you need to call the item copy constructors; eg:

A::A(const A& rhs): b(rhs.b) {}




If you don't have a copy-constructor and let the compiler generate it for you, or if you explicitly add it and mark it as default

(for example A(A const&) = default;

), then the generated copy-constructor should do the right thing for you.

I recommend that you read the zero rule .

I also recommend that you read about copy elision .



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