API.AI with Google Assistant - problems capturing phone number

We are trying to capture the phone number. There are actually many other numbers like amounts, postal code, etc. We use Google Home.

Below are the JSON URLs we got on the run side. The object name is a number.

One JSON is when we configure an object as @ sys.number of another JSON when it was @ sys.phone-number.



The first problem is that google helper is really trying to recognize numeric sequences like phone numbers or postal codes. But even when it becomes correct (as per the original Request value in the JSON payload), the object still has the wrong value when it comes to the execution side.

I guess my question is, what am I doing wrong? Does anyone see the same problems?


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1 answer

Not sure if this helps as it has more to do with talking to the Google Home device, but ... I had a long number issue too. If you use @ sys.number-sequence as part of your intent, it will allow you to read much longer numbers without interrupting your device. In NodeJS code, you can get an argument for this sequence of numbers to use in your Google Home agent.

if (assistant.getArgument('number-sequence') != null) { <do something> }




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