Django JSONField has specific keys

My class looks like this:

class Foo(models.Model):
  known_by = JSONField()


My data looks like

{ "known_by" : [
                {'by':'name1', 'value':['def']},
                {'by':'name2', 'value':['bar']}


Is there a way for me to ensure that it Jsonfield

has to follow the by,value[]

dict format . I know how to do this usingserialiazers

Any other cleaner ways of ensuring this (in the very definition of the model)? Thanks to


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3 answers

You can add a validator to the model field, for example:

 class Foo(models.Model):
     known_by = ArrayField(JSONField(max_length=100), size=4, validators=[a_json_array_validator])


And the validator:

def a_json_array_validator(value):
    if any([not is_json_valid(entry) for entry in value]):
        raise ValidationError(
            _('%(value) is not a valid json'),
            params={'value': value},


(The actual json validation is up to you) ;-) Note that the validators receive python objects, so it is actually a dict.



You can implement it like this:

from django.db import models

class Bar(models.Model):
    by = models.CharField()
    value = models.ArrayField()

class Foo(models.Model):
    known_by = models.ForeignKey(Bar, on_delete=models.CASCADE)




Why not just override the save method to force the execution?

class Foo(models.Model):
    known_by = JSONField()

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # begin validation code

        # end validation code
        if valid:
            super(Model, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
            # something else, maybe http error code?




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