Can I connect between tables in different databases using Sequel?

I am creating software for integration between two different systems. I have Clients in a database and Groups in another. One Client can be in several groups, and one group can have several clients. So, I created a named intermediate table clients_groups

to represent this relationship.

My models are as follows:

DB1 = Sequel.connect(adapter: 'postgresql'...)
DB2 = Sequel.connect(adapter: 'tinytds'...)

class Client < Sequel::Model
  set_dataset DB1[:clients]

  many_to_many :groups, left_ley: :client_id, right_key: :group_id, join_table: :clients_groups, left_primary_key_column: :id

class Group < Sequel::Model
  set_dataset DB2[:groups]

  many_to_many :clients, left_ley: :group_id, right_key: :client_id, join_table: :clients_groups, right_primary_key_column: :id


This statement works:


While this is throwing an error:

Group.last.clients # => Sequel::DatabaseError: TinyTds::Error: Invalid object name 'CLIENTS_GROUPS'

What am I doing wrong?


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