Angular 2 Bootstrap dropdown (ngx-bootstrap / ng2-bootstrap) not working

It looks like I am getting Angular Bootstrap dropdowns to work in one part of my application. I'm not sure why it works there and not elsewhere. In my module, I import with the BsDropdownModule.forRoot()

same as where it works. I've tried embedding in HTML from several of my examples ... Nothing. I know I've worked there before and don't remember changing anything related to this.

I am not getting any errors, and I am not entirely sure how to proceed with troubleshooting this issue. I noticed a problem with ng2-bootstrap, so I upgraded to ngx-bootstrap. Same problem.


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4 answers

I figured out the question. The dropdown panels did work. The problem was that for some reason the y (top) position for .dropdownMenu was putting it outside of the container it was in, where it is not visible. I'm still not sure why this is happening, but at least I have something to work with.



Make sure your Angular and Bootstrap versions are compatible. This happened when I was using Angular 4 with ng2-bootstrap 1.6.x. Better yet, you should use ngx-bootstrap instead of ng2-bootstrap. To get the dropdown, add a container attribute:

<div class="btn-group" dropdown  container="body"></div>




I was able to get this working with bootstrap@4.0.0-alpha.5 , but when I switched to 4.0.0-alpha.6 I couldn't get the dropdown to work. Not sure what went wrong, but I had to add the BsDropdownModule to the context by adding to my providers (I already had BsDropdownModule.forRoot ()) .... (not really sure about the details of what I broke at the end).

BUT found that adding the BsDropdownModule to the module where I was calling the menu then it worked.



You need to add BsDropdownModule.forRoot () to the AppModule imports and the BsDropdownModule (not .forRoot ()!) To the submodule that uses bootstrap dropdown menus.



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