Ignored by Beans in SpringBootTest config

I have the following structure:

Main configuration class;

@Import({MainApplication.class, ConfigA.class, ConfigB.class})
public class MainTestConfiguration {


And two separate classes of configuration;

public class ConfigA {
    public EtcDao etcDao() {
         // return custom etcDao

public class ConfigB {
    public SomeBean someBean() {
         // return custom someBean


And the test is as follows:

@SpringBootTest(classes = MainTestConfiguration.class)
public class MotherTest {

    public void test() {
        // test


In this framework, my test beans definitions are EtcDao

both SomeBean

ignored and the main context definitions of those beans (from MainApplication.class

) are used. But if I include these separate configurations in @SpringBootTest

like @SpringBootTest(classes = {ConfigA.class, ConfigB.class})

, then it works correctly. Doesn't @Include

allow initialization of beans in these separate configuration classes? Or the culprit is my inclusion MainApplication.class

along with them, but I needed a different configuration, so I had to implement this way.


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