Mute and Unmute Swift Spritekit

I have the following code written in my file MainMenuScene.swift

to disable and enable background music music

var mute: Bool = false

 override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {

     if nameOfTappedNode == "musicButton"{

            if mute {
                //This runs if the user wants music
                print("The button will now turn on music.")
                mute = false
                bgMusicPlayer?.volume = 1 //this is a .mp3 file
            } else {
                //This happens when the user doesn't want music
                print("the button will now turn off music.")
                mute = true
                bgMusicPlayer?.volume = 0



My question is, how can I disable all .wav and .mp3 files located in every scene in my game? What's the most efficient way? Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

The controls AVAudioPlayer

or players used to represent them.

I keep a global array of players and just iterate over that array whenever I want to affect all players in the game. For example:

var engineSound: AVAudioPlayer!
var shieldSound: AVAudioPlayer!
var photonSound1: AVAudioPlayer!
var photonSound2: AVAudioPlayer!
var photonSound3: AVAudioPlayer!
let arrayOfPlayers = [engineSound, shieldSound, photonSound1, photonSound2, photonSound3]

func fadeAllPlayers() {

    for player in arrayOfPlayers {

        player.volume = 0


One of the advantages of having an array of different players (as opposed to a single player) is that you can have multiple behaviors for different circumstances.



You can use Singleton implementation:

final class AudioManager {

    static let instance = AudioManager()
    //you should initialize it approp
    private var player = //... initialize with whatever player you use 

    private init() { }

    func play(){


Then wherever you need it (from each class):




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