Is it possible to resize the section with animation in IGListSectionController?

Is it possible to resize the section with animation in IGListSectionController? Or trigger recalculation sizeForItem


I have an expandable label in a section, i.e. clicking on the icon has a new view with animation. But the height of the partition was not recalculated, so the new species pushed all other species out of the lower interface. And they are no longer visible. I want to increase the height of the section to show all views in the section.

Section exam.

Partition size is provided by:

func sizeForItem(at index: Int) -> CGSize
    let height: CGFloat = self.expanded ? 200 + 300 : 200
    return CGSize(width: collectionContext!.containerSize.width, height: height)


And the property expanded

is true when clicked.


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