Crash in release mode when generating NSString with arguments

I wrote a log helper class that has a couple of log functions. Everything works well in DEBUG mode. But when I run my code it is release mode it crashes. Below is the code snippet:

+ (void)info:(NSString *)format, ...
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);

    NSString *formatedMessage = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"INFO %@",format] arguments:args];


The formatedMessage fails when using the below: Here is the failure callback

If I installed

Build setting-> optimization level to NONE

in release mode, everything runs smoothly. Any idea to fix it with an optimization level

fastest smallest

in release mode


source to share

1 answer

You seem to be calling too quickly va_end

. Try:

+ (void)info:(NSString *)format, ...
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);

    NSString *formatedMessage = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"INFO %@",format] arguments:args];





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