Is it possible to create a standalone HTML5 app without * browser bundling?

Solutions like Electron require combining the entire browser with the resulting construct .app

, which makes it several gigabytes even for a single hello world app. However, most users already have Chrome installed on their computers. Is it possible to create a standalone application .app

that uses an existing browser to open itself, hide the browser url frame / bar, and access system resources (fs, child processes, etc.)?

Edit: I'm thinking something on the lines "bundle node.js + HTML in .app that opens an existing browser (pointing to that HTML) without a URL string". node.js can then access the filesystem and communicate with the application via HTTP, WS, etc. The only real problem here is to open Chrome without the url bar I guess.


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1 answer

I've seen nodekit , which is an attempt at using the JavaScript engine already available on every platform.

So, for example, on a Mac it will probably use it WKWebView

, and on Windows 10 it will run on the JavaScript Universal App Framework.

In most cases, only testing on electronic makes application development much easier, and you can have a fully functional application in an installer under 40MB.



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