How can I connect to a docker container running offline?

If I start the docker container in a separate mode using the command:

docker run -d ubuntu


the container leaves immediately. docker ps -a

gives output (selected columns shown):

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             STATUS
245fe871a1e3        ubuntu              "/bin/bash"         Exited (0) 4 minutes ago


Is it possible to run the same container (container id 245fe871a1e3

) interactively with a terminal session?


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1 answer

I am afraid there is no such way of archiving this. docker attach

and docker exec

only work with a running container, but if you are a docker start

container in your case, it will exit immediately again, because CMD

- /bin/bash


There's also a discussion about this, write some key info here:

Unable to enter a stopped container because the processes disappeared and hence the namespaces also disappeared.



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