Bokeh 0.12.4 - 0.12.5 - the GlyphRenderer.muted_glyph property was not declared

I have an interesting issue updating from 0.12.4 to 0.12.5 in Bokeh.

The code that generates Bokeh diagrams powered by Flask is pretty simple -

bk_sector_betas = Bar(sector_betas)
bk_sector_betas_script, bk_sector_betas_div = components(bk_sector_betas)
return render_template('main.html', 
    bk_sector_betas_script=bk_sector_betas_script, bk_sector_betas_div=bk_sector_betas_div)


And in Jinja2 ..

{{ bk_sector_betas_script|indent(4)|safe }}
{{ bk_sector_betas_div|indent(4)|safe }}


This works fine in Bokeh 0.12.4, but in 0.12.5 I get the following error:

Bokeh Error: property GlyphRenderer.muted_glyph wasn't declared


I tried this on PythonAnywhere, Windows and Mac (using both conda and basic Python) and it changed from 0.12.4 to 0.12.5 each time making a difference. I downgraded to 0.12.4 for my application but was wondering what I might need to change for the latest version of Bokeh.


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1 answer

It is almost certain that you need to update the links to the BokehJS CDN versions in your HTML template. If you are using (Python) Bokeh 0.12.5, then we also need to download BokehJS 0.12.5.



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