Error loading GitBash for Windows DLL # 11

I guess after generating the ssh keys for gitlab I broke mine Git Bash for Windows

, but maybe the reason is different - I'm not sure. Reinstalling doesn't help. What could be causing these errors?

      0 [main] bash 9100 fork: child 7536 - died waiting for dll loading, errno 11
bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
1087109 [main] bash 9100 fork: child 8528 - died waiting for dll loading, errno 11
bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
3168945 [main] bash 9100 fork: child 7500 - died waiting for dll loading, errno 11
bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
7251800 [main] bash 9100 fork: child 7328 - died waiting for dll loading, errno 11
bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable



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1 answer

Answer here Can't start Git Bash In short, because of Comodo - weird disabling comodo doesn't help, but adding Git to trusted files does.


  • Add the folder C:\Program Files\Git

    to Settings> File Rating> File List as Trusted File
  • Add folder C:\Program Files\Git

    to Settings> Advanced protection> Milanceset> Shell code exception

Comodo advanced settings


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