Best way to notify RecyclerView adapter from Viewholder?

I have a RecyclerView with several types of item views, so they are split into separate ViewHolder classes. Previously, when all ViewHolders were in the same class as the RecyclerView Adapter, I could update the adapter directly when the item was clicked or removed. However, I've split the ViewHolders into different classes to better organize the code. Now I cannot directly update the RecyclerView adapter. Which of the following solutions is the best way to communicate with my ViewHolder in my adapter? If there is a better solution than the ones I have listed, please suggest!

  • Using an interface with a callback listener. Keep in mind that there might be 5-10 different view types, so this method would require 5-10 interfaces?
    1. Use an Eventbus library like Greenrobot Eventbus.

Is the interface solution or eventbus really the best? There must of course be a better way to communicate between views and adapters!


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1 answer

I usually keep the adapter reference in an activity or fragment. ViewHolders can be hosted as inner classes in an adapter or as classes in a separate package. You can use one interface to interact with holders. You just need to implement it in your activity or fragment. For example:

public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<VH> {
    private MyInterface mInterface;

    public MyAdapter(MyInterface i) {
         mInterface = i;

    //... some code to create view holders

    protected void onBindItemViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, final int position, int type) {
        viewHolder.bindView(position, mInterface); //call methods of interface in bindView() methods of your viewHolders

    interface MyInterface {
        void someEvent();

public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {

    TextView mText;

    ViewHolder(View root) {
        mText = (TextView)root.findViewById(

    void bindView(int pos, MyAdapter.MyInterface myInterface) {
        mText.setOnClickListener(v -> myInterface.someEvent());
        //...some other code


And somewhere in your activity or fragment:

final MyAdapter adapter = new MyAdapter(new MyAdapter.MyInterface() {
    public void someEvent() {




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